luni, 28 iunie 2010

We Have Band - You Came Out

This is such a great video, isn't it? The music is not exactly what I usually go for, but the video completely blows my mind. YES, that much I like it.

We Have Band - You Came Out

We Have Band - You Came Out from We Have Band on Vimeo.

luni, 21 iunie 2010


I thought I should try something a bit different. Not really sure what came out of it..but truth is it felt good; to just put all of my emotions and my frustrations on that cardboard. You should try it sometimes, painting is a good stress therapy :))

Time..why are you ticking away so quickly

Soo..I sort of woke up at 7 (AM!!) today to finish this and bring it to school by 12:00 to find out that todaaaay was actually NOT the deadline :)). Yeah..imagine my excitement.
Spent the noontime hanging around at the university and figured I would go home and catch up on my other assignments there..but its almost 18:00 and I haven't done anything other than complain about my headache and about how little time I have to finish what I haven't even started yet. :))
So there, BEHOLD (my one and only accomplishment for today):

luni, 7 iunie 2010

Primul meu vernisaj

M-am tot laudat ca am participat cu o lucrare la prima mea expozitie (ever! :D) si n-am venit cu nici o dovada. Ei bine, for the less creduluous ones (:)) ), iata dovada:

Da, da, vedeti bine, e si numele meu acolo! :D (afisul e pentru cea de-a doua expozitie a lucrarilor - daca ajungeti prin Suceava saptamana asta, you're more than welcome to come take a look).
Desi nu sunt foarte multumita de lucrare (pentru ca am facut-o in mare graba si n-am avut prea mult timp sa reflect upon it, and also `cause I'm a rookie and I've got ple-he-henty of stuff to learn si pentru ca oricum, orice as face, oricat de bine, a doua zi n-o sa-mi mai placa), I AM proud of everyone's work si am sa postez si niste poze de la prima expozitie, fara sa va zic, insa, care dintre lucrari imi apartine >:). Daca vi se par cunoscute unele dintre ele, aflati ca sunt, de fapt, interpretari dupa mari lucrari ale clasicilor.