În fiecare zi parcurg mai în pripă sau mai pe îndelete, în funcție de cum îmi permite timpul și de cheful pe care-l am, și câteva dintre blogurile de modă sau lifestyle cu care mă identific cât de cât. Pentru că, cel puțin pentru mine, sunt o sursă bogată de inspirație. Găsesc acolo nu numai informații despre ultimele direcții în modă (nu sunt avidă după modă, dar, de ce să nu recunosc, imi place să fiu în temă, mai ales pentru că mă regăsesc mult mai ușor în tendințele din afară decât în cele de la noi; drept dovadă, multe din hainele pe care le am sunt luate de la raioanele pentru bărbați :)) iar pe restul tot îmi vine să le modific. But for some reason I never do) ci și despre expoziții de pictură, sculptură, fotografie samd, newcomer artists, advertising și, în general, lucruri interesante legate de artă în cel mai larg sens al ei. În fine, pe unul din blogurile de care vă vorbeam, am găsit câteva poze de la Pasadena Chalk Festival: desene cu creta pe asfalt, realizate, zic eu, destul de mișto. Mai jos aveți o mostră:
(via bravegrrl.blogspot.com/)
Am vrut să văd mai multe lucrări ale artistului și, tot căutând pe net, am dat peste ceva mult mai interesant. Se numește artă stradală 3d și constă în realizarea pe asfalt(sau pe orice alt tip de suprafață) a unor desene care, privite dintr-un anumit unghi, creează iluzia unei imagini 3d. Pe mine una m-au lăsat cu gura căscată, mai ales că pentru unele s-a folosit numai cretă. Tipul acesta de artă e folosit nu numai pentru amuzamentul trecătorilor ci, uneori, și ca modalitate de promovare. And check this one out:D :
Microsoft, X-Games, Gears of War
Tare mi-ar plăcea să văd astfel de desene și pe străzile de la noi. N-ar fi rău să putem aduce un astfel de artist pentru următorul festival de artă stradală :D Sau, cine știe, poate există si artiști autohtoni. Dar! Vorba lungă, sărăcia omului. Vă las sa căscați și voi ochii la câteva dintre (zic eu) cele mai reușite lucrări realizate de Julian Beever, Edgar Mueller, Kurt Wenner și Manfred Stadder.
Julian Beever
Edgar Mueller
Kurt Wenner
Manfred Stader
Pretty impressive stuff, huh?
duminică, 25 iulie 2010
vineri, 2 iulie 2010
Can a girl ever have too many shoes?
Since I'm on vacation now, I can allow myself to be a lil` more shallow so I'll make this post about looks and appearance. Yes, I cannot help it, I do like fashion and I do like to look in a certain way, even though sometimes, after countless hours wasted in front of the mirror trying to get a certain look and failing, I might just throw a check shirt on me, some leggings and a pair of sneackers and shamelessly abandon my fashion attempt.
What annoys me the most though about Iasi is that I cannot find a decent pair of shoes that would please me both aesthetically and functionally. I know, gladiator sandals are THE THING right now and you can find them pretty much everywhere and I got a pair of those myself..but I feel like I reached a level of saturation regarding them. They are, without a doubt, EVERYWHERE! Everywhere I look, I can see at least one pair of those. However, if I am looking for a buckle wedge sandal similar to the one in the picture below, I can't find it anywhere.
(gosh, they do look amazing!)
And that's because the marketplace here only has eyes and ears for the ordinary, everyday taste. Picky consumers like myself (I know, in reality I might not be one 100% but I sure as hell do sound as if I were) will just have to look miles away for whatever they are interested in. Last winter I got lucky though: after many searches I finally found only ONE pair of (perfect) lace up anckle boots in this entire city and I spent a small fortune on them. They were very much worth it though (^▽^).
So, anyway, I made this collage to show you my fav pieces of footwear at this moment (there's also a pair of buckled lace up boots there; that's because I still haven't got over their complete and eternal awesomeness). I am really happy that the wedge will soon be back on the trend here as well (the type of wedge that I particularly like anyway; whohoo!). I remember I used to wear wedges such as these when I was in the 8th grade and gosh, was it good to be a lil` taller! Not to mention they were extremely comfy!
(the pictures I used were taken from www.asos.com, www.solestruck.com, www.shopnastygal.com and tfs)
I bid you farewell for now, with the hope that this post did not make me look as a completely shallow and empty person, for I assure you I am not.
To be continued..
What annoys me the most though about Iasi is that I cannot find a decent pair of shoes that would please me both aesthetically and functionally. I know, gladiator sandals are THE THING right now and you can find them pretty much everywhere and I got a pair of those myself..but I feel like I reached a level of saturation regarding them. They are, without a doubt, EVERYWHERE! Everywhere I look, I can see at least one pair of those. However, if I am looking for a buckle wedge sandal similar to the one in the picture below, I can't find it anywhere.
(gosh, they do look amazing!)
And that's because the marketplace here only has eyes and ears for the ordinary, everyday taste. Picky consumers like myself (I know, in reality I might not be one 100% but I sure as hell do sound as if I were) will just have to look miles away for whatever they are interested in. Last winter I got lucky though: after many searches I finally found only ONE pair of (perfect) lace up anckle boots in this entire city and I spent a small fortune on them. They were very much worth it though (^▽^).
So, anyway, I made this collage to show you my fav pieces of footwear at this moment (there's also a pair of buckled lace up boots there; that's because I still haven't got over their complete and eternal awesomeness). I am really happy that the wedge will soon be back on the trend here as well (the type of wedge that I particularly like anyway; whohoo!). I remember I used to wear wedges such as these when I was in the 8th grade and gosh, was it good to be a lil` taller! Not to mention they were extremely comfy!
(the pictures I used were taken from www.asos.com, www.solestruck.com, www.shopnastygal.com and tfs)
I bid you farewell for now, with the hope that this post did not make me look as a completely shallow and empty person, for I assure you I am not.
To be continued..
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